Maritime automation and autonomous surface ship (MASS) framework for Regulation and Ethical AI
Welcome to virtual workshop on “Maritime automation and autonomous surface ship (MASS) framework for Regulation and Ethical AI” and to experience showroom of solutions on 1st of December 2020 at 1 to 4 pm EET (UTC +2).
The event will be arranged by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland in cooperation with ITS Finland, Business Finland and OneSea Ecosystem Leader DIMECC Ltd as a side event to high-level conference on Safe-Smart-Sustainable: What is the real future of autonomous ships? – held by the European Union Commission in cooperation with NFAS Norway in 30 November.
About MASS
The workshop aims to bring together leading countries, organizations and companies to work further the objectives and long term vision for regulative framework of maritime automation and autonomous shipping and to respond the expectations of Ethical AI use and accountability within these systems.
Along with sharing results of recent studies and strategies, the workshop invites participating organizations and companies to share their insights from ecosystemic PPP cooperation and trials to help solving concrete regulative challenges. Roundtables in the workshop will include topics eg. on MASS definitions, performance criteria, accountability in legislation and company culture, legislation needed, transparency and traceability as well as development of third party validation and certification.
Who are attending MASS?
The event gathers decision makers and experts around the world as well as a wide cast of EU parties and regulators working in the field of autonomous maritime.
Register to the workshop via this link.
Virtual Showroom opportunity for companies and businesses
At the Virtual Showroom companies and businesses have an opportunity to showcase their latest innovations around autonomous and sustainable maritime. In the virtual stand companies have the opportunity to share materials and videos, engage in virtual face-to-face conversations with the event participants and listen to the keynote speakers online.
The virtual showroom is free of charge for the companies taking part.
For more information about the showroom, contact:
Sanni Remonen
Marketing Communications, ITS Finland
13.00 Workshop opening
Saara Reinimäki, Director, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Automation Unit
Strategic plan on transport automation including legislation, maritime transport
Anne Miettinen, Senior Ministerial Adviser
13.15 Industry’s perspective on legislation
OneSea Ecosystem Lead Ms Päivi Haikkola
13.30 Study on Charting Regulatory Frameworks for Autonomous Maritime
Henrik Ringbom, Mika Viljanen, Jussi Poikonen, Saara Ilvessalo, Centrum Balticum
13.45–16.00 Workshop