High technology for the good of people and climate
Our vision is a transport sector with business-driven ecosystems aimed at achieving international growth. We want to both provide and use high-quality research to foster inventions and innovations. Our aim is to be a bold pioneer in user-driven piloting of new technologies and services and to attract investors and actors looking for test and piloting platforms.
The transport revolution is possible only through utilisation of data. Our data toolbox includes collecting and utilising transport data, combining data from different sources as well as progressive MyData and open data policies.
Another requirement for the revolution to become reality is cooperation, on both national and international scale. We want to offer a dynamic operating environment for transport sector start-ups and an active application platform for new technologies, such as blockchains, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation and big data. Our goal is to be a reliable partner for well-established companies seeking international growth, and a globally recognised role model for intelligent and sustainable mobility and innovative solutions.
Our transport know-how is comprehensive ranging from ice breaking to mobility services. We strive for harnessing this know-how for the good of people: For people to have more free time, less pollution, better accessible services, better use for their money, as well as less cars and more green space in cities.