Australia’s longest EV highway to feature Kempower rapid charging technology

JET Charge will supply 42 Kempower C-Stations along the new EV highway in Western Australia. Stretching for more than 5,300 kilometers, the project is one of the world’s longest single EV infrastructure projects. Once the EV highway is completed, drivers will be able to access 98 EV chargers spread across 49 locations, at no more than 200km apart.

The EV highway is part of the McGowan Government’s AU$21 million Electric Vehicle Fund and delivers on the State Electric Vehicle Action Plan for Western Australia. The State Government is delivering the highway through its’ energy utilities Synergy and Horizon Power. Stretching from Kununurra in the north to Albany in the south and Eucla in the east, the project will see a range of EV chargers installed at locations across Western Australia, including metropolitan and regional sites, as well as into the outback.

Read the original news published on to learn why JET Charge chose Kempower as their partner.

6 Things Mobility Investors Want Startups To Know

Getting your ambitious mobility startup to where you want it to go takes a lot of hard work, smart decisions and rapid learning, but typically also a lot of capital. We recently asked several startup founders’ experiences on what helped them succeed in their fundraising and shared their key insights. Now it’s time to ask the venture capitalists themselves: those who decide which startup to invest millions of euros into.

We spoke with Terhi Vapola from Helen Ventures, Claes Mikko Nilsen from NordicNinja, and Timo Tirkkonen from Inventure. We chatted with them about things they’d want to help future startup founders learn, so they can build investment-ready companies faster. Here are their key takeaways.

1 What is the one thing startup investors seek?

Startup investors seek companies whose value they expect to grow significantly.

The investment’s purpose is to help the management grow the value of the company, not just manage its operations. The goal of an investment round is to reach the next milestone in the company’s long-term growth plan.

2 What is the investment for, more precisely?

The startup must have a vision of what it wants to become, a plan for how to accomplish this, and the ability to execute this plan. The plan tells the investors which activities is the company planning to spend the invested money on. This will always be different per company, as each team, product, and market situation are unique, and each company’s management must have their own plan.

The company must be able to show that it knows well its customers, competitors, product, markets, and other factors influencing their success. This should be evident in all company communications from short public pitching to longer investor meetings, and ultimately in written documents the management sends upon investors’ request.

3 At what time should a startup seek funding?

The best time to seek funding is when you don’t need it, strictly speaking. Investors seek to invest in businesses that can operate profitably. A profitable company can operate indefinitely without an investment so it doesn’t need one, but might seek one to grow temporarily faster than its revenue would support, in pursuit of valuable market share. A profitable high-growth company would find it easy to raise investor interest.

Most startups are still some way off from being able to turn in an operating profit, and seek an investment in order to have more time to become profitable before they run out of money. When the startup is generating a loss every month, they should apply for funding well in advance of running out of money. Even successful discussions with investors can take 6 months before receiving the funding. The startup can affect this time a lot by being prepared for the due diligence checks that most investors want to do before trusting startup founders with their money.

4 What is “due diligence” and how to prepare for it?

Due diligence (DD) means simply a verification that something is as good as told and as good as it should be. It can be divided into many different areas, which will vary per investor and per startup case. For example a legal DD might cover all the company’s significant contracts, especially with clients; documentation of company board meetings; and other key legal aspects of the company. If the founders don’t have a shareholders’ agreement (SHA), they’ll need to do one latest by the time a professional investor like a venture capitalist (VC) invests into them; but also if they have an SHA that wildly deviates from the standard ones and can provide hidden pitfalls for later stages of company development, the founders may have to redo the SHA as a more standard and battle-tested one. Professional investors have seen dozens if not hundreds of startups’ development trajectories and situations and can expect quite many situations, including one founder’s departure from the company in multiple different ways, which can be hard to imagine and prepare for as a first-time startup founder.

A technical due diligence might include the investor’s technical friend (possibly a serial tech entrepreneur) chatting with the startup’s CTO to understand how robust their technological solution is. This can also lead to some additional development ideas for the CTO, if they’re not overly defensive of their current plans. A market DD can involve calling (potential) clients, perhaps with the startup’s permission, and asking them about how they see the product and market. A startup can prepare for all these kinds of DDs and more by providing documentation of key aspects of the company, like board meetings and contracts, statements from clients with contact details, description of technological architecture and so on, in order to answer the question “what would a professional and thorough investor want to know before presenting the investment case to their peers”.

Having a professional angel investor or other mentor can help a lot in preparing for an investment DD, and the preparation will be the easier the earlier it is started. One of the mantras of serial startup founders is “always be DD ready”.

5 What to expect from an investor after investment?

Investors bring a lot of structure and professionality to startups. They help startups to start doing the right things at the right time. One benefit of this is that the startup will be able to start generating and growing sales as early in its journey as possible. For example in the automotive sector there are many criteria that a company and its products need to fulfill in order to be able to sell anything to the big OEMs.

Investors also typically help startups keep a strong link between strategy and execution by helping them set and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs). These will also make it a lot easier to communicate both within and to the outside of the growing startup, including but not limited to the potential future investors of the startup’s next funding rounds. Investors’ network and experience helps to open doors to these later-stage investors, but they can also be invaluable in attracting talent to the company. For some startups, the most significant value-add by an investor has been to help them understand which role they need to open and fill for the company and when, how to carry out the recruitment process, and even identifying individual senior candidates from the investor’s network, which includes many serial founders.

One of the major advantages of investors’ experience for startups is how much time it saves. Capable founders can eventually figure things out on their own, but by then the market opportunity may have passed. Smart founders find ways to learn from others’ experience, and getting a startup professional to invest in you is a great way to get both their monetary and non-monetary input. Both help save significant amounts of time. And in the world of ever-changing markets for innovations, timing is an essential factor of success.

6 How to choose an investor?

As every investor is an individual, they have very different experience to help your company with. Their investment also makes them co-owners of the company, which tends to be a very long-term mutual commitment between them and the founder. Startups should invest significant time in finding the investors who would be the best fit for them. This goes both in terms of the investors as individuals, as well as the companies (VCs) they work at; a good VC company is able to supplement a junior VC person’s experience and help them offer you a lot of the best advice their senior partners also would. An investor’s experience in the field where the startup operates is very helpful, as is working with startups that had other similarities, like pursuing a similar business model in an adjacent market. Investors with large portfolios also help founders learn from each other. For example when planning to expand to a specific new country, they might have a portfolio founder who did that three years ago and whom you can call.

In addition to professional skills, it is important for startup founders to be able to communicate and get along well with the investor. Even the most experienced VC will not be able to make much difference for a startup if they constantly clash with the founders in a way that’s not mutually productive. Being on the same wavelength is a positive indication of towards an investment fit for both sides.

PayiQ and Ukrainian Symbol Transport Sign Partnership Agreement

Finnish smart ticketing forerunner PayiQ and Ukrainian software company Symbol Transport, a leading provider of automated fare collection systems, have signed a partnership agreement in early August 2022.

Collaboration framework will involve the launch of PayiQ’s virtual travel card in Ukraine as a part of a closed loop system. Virtual transport card is a cutting-edge technology product which will fill the market demand for an easy payment method on the go. It is a compelling alternative to plastic transport cards used traditionally in closed loop systems.

Symbol Transport for their part have an open loop EMV solution that allows contactless credit or debit card payments. The companies’ solutions will complement each other, offering both open and closed loop system for any international mass transit project that require bank card payments.

Read the original news from and learn how the new initiative takes steps towards digitalised and modern public transport.

Sensible 4 Releases Autonomous Driving Platform DAWN™ and Welcomes Metaplanet as an Investor

Finnish self-driving technology pioneer Sensible 4 releases their first autonomous driving software platform product – DAWN™. The technology, enabling autonomous driving in all weather, without the need for lane markings, is underpinned by decades of experience and expertise in the field of outdoor robotics. The company, headquartered in Finland, has also increased its A-round funding. To date, Sensible 4 has raised a total of €16.7M.

DAWN™ is SAE level 4 autonomous driving software platform that provides three solutions in one; it enables last mile transport of goods and people in the form of autonomous industrial transport, delivery vehicles, and shuttle buses. DAWN™ has been developed on the back of extensive expertise and experience in the field to meet automotive safety and quality best practices.

A vehicle with SAE Level 4 automation software and sensor stack is able to drive without human assistance in limited conditions, and it can be remotely operated. The DAWN™ autonomous driving software platform is system agnostic, ensuring its suitability for different vehicle types, with different sensor configurations. One of the key features of DAWN™ is the Remote Operations, enabling a human remote operator to supervise and control the vehicle remotely from the control centre. A single remote operator is able to operate multiple vehicles, thus providing an efficient operation for commercial use.

“DAWN™ is now ready to be used by OEMs as part of their production line planning. This means we can actively start addressing the transport challenges of today, such as driver shortage, whilst providing a sustainable solution that will help the planet in the future,” comments Harri Santamala, CEO of Sensible 4

Currently DAWN™ is being used in Bodø, Norway where Sensible 4 is carrying out the world’s first long-term autonomous driving service North of the Arctic Circle.

Metaplanet VC – New Investment With Remarkable Track Record

Sensible 4 has continued to increase its funding – taking the total to €16.7M. The latest funding, saw the introduction of a new investor Metaplanet VC, was co-led by Japanese NordicNinja VC and further complemented by family offices and employees. Metaplanet VC, owned by Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, is an early-stage investment firm that provides capital to deep tech startup founders. Metaplanet back mission-driven founders working on positively disruptive deep technologies.

Read the full article and learn more about Sensible 4’s newest developments on

5 Tips On How To Attract An Investment For Your Startup

Mobility is one of the fastest-growing areas for new companies. Many are seeking to meet the sky-high demand for solutions that are finally made possible by technological advances in drones, energy storage, electric mobility and more. One of the key limitations new companies face when serving huge markets is their own resources – you can’t serve millions of users without significant investments in production, sales and other areas. And when demand is high, there will be competitors, and speed of growth can be equally important to profitability – or temporarily even more important.

In order to grow faster without taking unnecessary risks, many startup founders turn to investor for funding and advice. This much is common knowledge, but what does it really take to attract an investment? We asked startup founders who have been there, done that, and ready to share the most significant lessons they learned when fundraising their first millions of euros.

The founders we interviewed are Harri Santamala from Sensible 4, the autonomous driving company; Sampo Hietanen from MaaS Global and their Whim app, the all-in-one mobility solution; and Tuomo Parjanen from PayiQ, the payment and ticketing company enabling many MaaS solutions around the world.

Here are their most important fundraising tips for first-time startup founders:

  1. Use expert help. Whether you use an investment banker or another fundraising consultant, or have an advisor or team member with previous fundraising experience, make sure you have that special expertise available. You’ll increase the chances and speed of attracting funding significantly. Getting an investment sooner can mean the difference between being the first or fifth to enter a new market. Every costly mistake you avoid making in fundraising is more time available for growing your business. When considering external help, be prepared to compensate them appropriately. All the experience and contacts you gain while fundraising will be yours to keep for life, and while the best help and training isn’t usually free, failure is far costlier. Harri and Tuomo both vouch that a good fundraising expert is worth their fees many times over.
  2. Fundraising takes a lot of time and money. Once you succeed in getting a meeting with an investor, that’s just the first of many meetings to come – if you’re successful. From the first meeting it takes approx. 6 months on average before the money arrives into your bank account. There will be multiple rounds of meetings, and more time-consumingly, due diligence checks (DD). Be prepared to spend up to half of your time on fundraising, especially if you’re doing your first significant fundraising. Money-wise, just the legal costs of a DD for a later funding round can be well in excess of 10 000 euros; trying to avoid these by not having your own lawyer can lead to subpar agreements that end up costing you way more. A part of the money gained from any funding round should go towards getting the next one.
  3. Preparing for the due diligence checks (DD). This legal-sounding term simply refers to the different kinds of verifications the investor needs before being convinced they are not making a predictable mistake by investing into you. Expect a technical DD where the investor’s tech-savvy friends go through things with your CTO; a management DD on your strategic decision-making and its documentation (board meeting memos etc.); a legal DD going through your contracts. If your shareholders’ agreement or other contracts significantly differ from the standard ones, be prepared to have to change them after the investors’ lawyers have gone through the hidden risks with your lawyers.

    Following the best practices of corporate governance are what it takes to pass the management and legal DDs; having your technology audited helps you pass the technical DD. Preparing these is the slowest part of the fundraising process, taking typically more than half of the time between first meeting with investor and getting the money to the company bank account. The earlier you start working with a fundraising expert, the earlier you can get all your documentation, contracts etc. in order to pass investors’ DD checks.

  4. What are investors looking for? In addition to the usual factors of solid businesses with strong unit economics, operating in sizable markets that have plenty of room for growth, with hard-to-imitate technologies and strategic positions that give them a competitive advantage, here are a few additional points from these founders’ experiences.

    First, despite all the attention disruptors get, there are benefits to being an enabler instead. Every professional investor has a large portfolio of other investments they have made before you, and they’ll be making more investments afterwards as well. Does your company help or hurt their other investments? That’ll impact whether they’ll want to help your company by investing into it. Having a partnership-friendly strategy will also help your commercial growth. When you’re an enabling technology that others can include in their product that they sell with their brand, you’ll have many more companies interested in being your clients than if you’re a brand-driven company.

    Second, related to your brand: Whether you’re a brand-driven company or not, being known in your industry will help both you attract both sales and investments. Working to get free PR for your company should be high up on your agenda. More on this below.

    Third, every investor is different. It’s worth getting to know their investment agenda and preferences, including past investments, and letting this show in your slides and presentation. In addition to his general research, Tuomo had phone calls with investors before the actual meetings whenever possible, and made notes of which parts of their investment story needed to be explained better to which investor. Working with an expert who is familiar with the investors can also help tailor the presentation, both the pitch deck and how it is presented, much more relevant to each investor. As mentioned, the first meeting is only the first of many, if you’re successful, and the ability to listen to and learn from investors’ feedback and comments is golden.

  5. How to use PR to get investors to call you: If at all applicable, you should consider getting publicity one of your key priorities. Even the best product needs a strong sales and marketing effort, and most of the ambitious startups need funding. Having the magazines write articles about you can make the difference between you calling the investors and mostly getting a no, and the investors calling you and asking if they could invest into you because you’re the leading company of an important trend.

    Academic research can also be important to give interviews to. Study results influence decision-making in both public and private sector, which can be a significant boost or hindrance to the sales of your innovative solution. Even helping the researchers get their basic assumptions and concepts right is valuable; no one benefits if someone publishes a flawed but influential study because you couldn’t make the time to help the researchers see things the way you see them.

    Everything looks different from the frontlines of the industry. As a startup founder you have a unique point of view, and it will help you a lot to share it with both academics and journalists, as well as other influencers. Who knows, maybe the next highly successful mobility startup will get a significant following through YouTubers, TikTokers and streamers, and become the next thing every investor talks about? The most noticed startups tend to raise the largest and fastest funding rounds.

One of a kind tram serves as a test bed for mobility services in Tampere

The internationally unique “Lyyli Living Lab” environment is being built for the Tampere Tramway system. It will allow various parties to cooperate on the experiment-driven development of urban mobility solutions in a real operating environment.

The purpose of the “Lyyli Living Lab” project is to create a development, experiment, testing and marketing environment and the related services. This will make it possible to develop urban mobility solutions and obtain references in a real operating environment: the Tampere Tramway system, the Tramway Mock-up, and the very first Lyyli tram car.

Tampere Tramway Ltd is the host organisation for the project, which is scheduled to last for 4–6 years.

“One of the key goals of the project is to offer passengers new services and innovations to improve the travel experience and in addition to perform technology trials in a test car that operates in normal traffic. We’re excited to be able to use our Lyyli tram car in such a unique project – the first of its kind once again”, says Ali Huttunen, Head of Rolling Stock at Tampere Tramway Ltd.

“Lyyli Living Lab” has been operating since the beginning of 2022 in small-scale trials, and the first larger trial began at the end of April. Construction of the project environment is already in progress, with Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) taking responsibility for the technology and digital tools.

“We expect this globally unique co-development environment to meet the needs of companies, the city, its residents and research organisations, attract wide-ranging international interest, and create a concrete platform for various forms of cooperation”, states Olli Pihlajamaa, Senior Scientist at VTT.

The project is being implemented in cooperation with the City of Tampere, Business Tampere, Skoda, and the University of Tampere. The first example of experiment-driven development is an environmental observation system developed by Skoda Group and GIM Robotics, which will reduce the life cycle costs of a tram car and improve traffic safety.

“The test platform has been very beneficial for us, because it provides an easy way to test the first prototypes in real traffic. This significantly speeds up development and testing work”, explain Tommi Tikkanen from GIM Robotics and Kai Hermonen from Skoda Group.

“Lyyli Living Lab” supports the City of Tampere’s goal of building a sustainable and smart Tampere region in which housing, living and travel are carbon neutral and services function digitally, smoothly and in a user-oriented manner.

“During recent years, the City of Tampere has invested strongly in smart city development, ecosystems and open development platforms. Co-development plays a very important role in creating new innovations and ensuring the region’s vitality. An attractive city offers its residents quality services, a pleasant environment and a smooth everyday life with convenient transport. This project will accelerate and ensure the achievement of these goals”, explains Markku Niemi, Director of the Smart City programme at Business Tampere.

The project already has nearly 20 committed partners at this time. All interested Finnish and international actors can participate in the project by sending an application to Tampere Tramway Ltd and approving the annual membership fee corresponding to their selected commitment period. More information about the project is available at Lyyli’s webpage.

Article is originally published on Tampere Tramway’s webpage.

Picture: Visit Tampere, photographer Laura Vanzo

Awake.AI launches platform based on Intel’s technology

With productivity, environmental, and economic pressures mounting, ports around the world are turning to the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced analytics and machine learning to boost operational efficiencies. Working together to mesh edge,AI and 5G technologies, Finnish forerunner of digitalized maritime and port operations Awake.AI and Intel are leading port operations to the computer vision era. The solution uses machine-learning models to detect objects in the port yard using sensors installed in the port area and automatically provide real-time awareness of utilization rates and cargo flows.

Global supply chains and their importance for the world’s economy have been frequently debated in the wake of the Covid pandemic. The organization of the flow of cargo has been a great challenge since ancient times. With the enormous values being shipped daily, there is great potential in improvements that can be made to make the process more efficient. Awake.AI and Intel are now enabling ports around the world to take the next step in digitalization. Potential benefits from using the platform include but are not limited to a better use of existing capacity, reduced port area emissions, accurate real-time prediction of arrivalsand departures, optimized port calls driven by AI and computer-vision insights, real-time information sharing, and time and cost savings.

For example, Lidar sensor data, often combined with other sources of data, can be used tooptimize the arrival and departure of landside traffic. Sensors can detect congestion, enablingre-routing port gate and inner area traffic, says Karno Tenovuo, CEO of Awake.AI.

With a powerful, scalable data-intensive platform capable of processing tens of millions of events per day, integration to port systems, shipping line systems along with APIs, web, and mobile tools that support both automated and manual cargo flow events Awake.AI can deliverfull end-to-end visibility through a cargo flow control center.

Using powerful computer vision technologies from Intel, including intelligent edge and cloud instances powered by Intel® Xeon® processors and optional vision accelerators that can benefit from the use of the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, port operators can receive warnings of disruptions from expected normal operations along the cargo flow.

“Smart Port as a Service and our cooperation with Awake.AI have great potential to revolutionize trade and to make it more sustainable,” said Maurits Tichelman, Intel Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “We can help transportation providers turn data into insights to achieve fast, efficient and informed use of transportation resources.”

The collaboration between Awake.AI and Intel has resulted in an AI-driven solution with great potential for the next step in digitalization of global transportation. With Smart Port as a Service™, ports have a well-defined path toward the future, Karno Tenovuo, CEO of Awake.AI concludes.

Read the original article and download entire brief on Awake.AI’s web page.

Sensible 4 runs an autonomous driving pilot with MUJI-designed driverless shuttle

Japanese automotive industry gets a new operator as the Finnish self-driving company opens an office in Tokyo. Sensible 4’s autonomous driving technology is known for its ability to work in challenging weather conditions. Also, Sensible 4’s autonomous shuttle bus designed by MUJI does piloting in Chiba, Japan.

As part of the internalisation strategy, Finnish autonomous driving technology company Sensible 4 has expanded to Japan. The company is known for its self-driving software that enables driving in challenging weather conditions, like snowfall or fog. The company sees that autonomous driving technology can bring a solution for Japan’s prevalent challenges of an ageing population and driver shortage. Japan is a forerunner in adopting new technology and it’s also one of the first countries in the world to have regulations in place for self-driving vehicles, which makes it a very attractive new market for the company.

“We see Japan as a strategic market where we can help with our autonomous software in not only public transport, but logistics and industrial sites. We also are already working with multiple Japanese customers, so it is important that we have the team ready to support when needed“, explains Harri Santamala, CEO of Sensible 4. He continues: “Also, the self-driving software is developed and tested in Finland in comparable weather conditions as Japan.”

Sensible 4 has secured financing of 17 million euros, of which a major part is from Japanese investors. Japan has been an important market for Sensible 4 since the beginning and a representative has been working in Tokyo for years – starting a business there is a natural next step.

“We also have an exciting ongoing partnership with a Japanese OEM, that unfortunately we cannot disclose now, but there will be a public announcement later this year”, Santamala comments on the future plans.

Read the original article on Sensible 4’s page to learn more about the pilots with MUJI Designed Self-Driving Shuttle Bus.

Air taxis in 2026? Drone development heads towards futuristic vision in Finland

The role of drones is growing rapidly in various industries, including inspection, surveillance and time-critical transport. Fast, long-flying and cost-effective drones can cope with challenging environments. Technological developments and active research open up new avenues for them.

Automatic drones are rapidly becoming part of transport systems in various industries. They have great potential, for example, in construction and aerial surveillance or as part of industry site security solutions. Drones also play an increasing role in critical deliveries, such as the transport of blood and laboratory samples and even that of organs.

– These solutions are utilised, for example, in Ghana and Rwanda, where road infrastructure is deficient. There, drones can facilitate transportation to remote areas. For example, coronary vaccines have been delivered in packages dropped by parachutes. Even in Finland, medicine and defibrillator transports have been tried. Urgently needed spare parts are an example of activities carried outside medicine, says Hannu Karvonen, Senior Scientist at VTT.

Read an article published by VTT, and learn how the leading Finnish research institution develops a roadmap for their futuristic vision for 2026.

Interested to learn more about Finnish drone development and players? Read the blog post published on Future Mobility Finland about Hottest Finnish Drone Startups and check the companies out!

Market visit to Italy – Finnish companies offer intelligent transport solutions for the future

Thirteen Finnish companies had the opportunity to get to know the industrial centers of northern Italy in Turin and Milan during Team Finland’s trade mission trip in May. The trip was organized parallelly with the Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Ville Skinnari’s, visit to Italy.

Finland has gained top notch expertise in the fields of green transition and intelligent transportation, as well as in the digital sector, including 5G / 6G technologies and cyber security. Northern Italy, on the other hand, is known for its automotive industry, and the mission gave Finnish companies the opportunity to present their know-how to important European companies.

“We had noticed that investments of tens of billions of euros are underway in Italy related to the electrification of transportation and the use of artificial intelligence in mobility. We wanted to meet this demand by inviting companies that were experts in these fields. The process of internationalization of these companies was also at the stage where they were potentially ready to enter the Italian market. In northern Italy, and especially in Turin, there is a strong interest in investing in solutions of intelligent transportation and digitalization both on the private and public sector,” says Hanna Laurén, a Senior Specialist in Foreign Trade at the Finnish Embassy in Rome.

Altogether 13 companies from the Finnish mobility industry participated in the trade mission: Aalto University, Akkurate, Basemark, Elisa IndustrIQ, Fortum, JOT Automation, Nanoksi Finland Oy, Solita, Stora Enso, TactoTEK, Ultra Design & Strategy, Vaisala, and WithSecure.

Safe and efficient solutions for future mobility

According to the experts, in the future assisted and autonomous driving will require new safety solutions. This requires modern software services as well as new capabilities for shuffling data, AI, and machine learning – in all of which Finnish know-how is top of the world.

In the publication of Embassy of Finland, Rome, Finnish mobility technology forerunners Vaisala, Solita, Basemark and Nanoksi Finland tell their stories about enabling safer and smoother mobility through data and automation. Go check them out!