Croatian RRF Opportunities In The Transportsector

When: On January 26, 2023 at
10:00 – 11:15 EST


Kimmo Ylisiurunen, The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Transport Sector and Croatia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan
Mr. Josip Bilaver, State Secretary, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure of Croatia

The Future of Urban Mobility Ecosystem
Mr. Alexander Graf von Pfeil, Chief Business Officer, Project 3 Mobility

Development Plans of the Transport System in the Northern Adriatic
Mr. Sinisa Vilke, Maritime Professor, Faculty of the University of Rijeka, Institute for Technology

Wrap up
Kalle Kankaanpää, Ambassador of Finland to Croatia

Where: The webinar will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. The webinar is free of charge but requires a registration via the link below.


The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector continues to seek new market opportunities together with Team Finland and ITS Finland. The next opportunity window we will open is the Croatian RRF market. Why Croatia?

Croatian economy is expected to grow by 6.4% in 2022 and by 1.4% in 2023. Croatia is the biggest recipient of EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility funds (RFF) compared to the size of its economy. This creates interesting business opportunities for Finnish companies as well. The right time to look at these opportunities is now: in the beginning of 2023, Croatia has joined both the Euro and Schengen area. €727 million is available for the development of a competitive energy-sustainable and efficient transportation system: data driven logistics, rail network modernization, maritime & port modernization, urban mobility & ITS and payment systems. 

Join us to hear about these opportunities and how our Finnish products and services could be exported to Croatian market.

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector.


Kimmo Ylisiurunen

Italian RRF Opportunities in the Transport Sector webinar

Register for the next webinar – RRF and business

The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector continues to seek new market opportunities together with Team Finland and ITS Finland. The next opportunity window we will open is the Italian RRF market. Why Italy? 

Despite the looming recession in Europe; Italy´s G7 economy is expected to grow 2.5% in 2022 and 1.2% in 2023. The EU recovery fund (RRF) allocation and the surging private sector demand create business opportunities for Finnish companies. Strong regional mobility clusters and system-integrators are interested in partnering up with Finnish companies to improve their product and service portfolio for big tenders. Italy grants 8-9 billion RRF money to sustainable mobility 31 billion to transport infrastructure, combining a vast array of transport modes.

Italian automotive, maritime and aerospace industries are also investing billions in electrification, AI, IoT and general Europeanization of value chains. In this context; they are looking for suitable high-end vendors to help them on this journey. Cities such as Milan and Turin have RRF induced investment projects to reduce traffic jams, manage logistical flows and drastically reduce emissions. A flagship example is a project on Intermodal hydrogen powered railway system in Piedmont.

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector.

AGENDA (14:00-15:15 EET)

Kimmo Ylisiurunen, The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Italy-Finland partnership
Speaker tbc

Italian post-pandemic recovery (RRF) in the transport sector: what´s on demand and who are the buyers?
Hanna Laurén, Embassy of Finland in Rome

Transport sector system Integrators in Italy – How to partner, how the Italian market works?
Marjaana Karjalainen, Dreamex

The webinar ends


The webinar is free of charge and will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. Please confirm your participation by 8.11.

Registration link >>

Further information

Hanna Lauren
Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland 

Luke Kähkönen
Advisor, Business Finland

Kimmo Ylisiurunen
Program Director, Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Marko Forsblom
CEO, ITS Finland Ry

The AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series – Citizen Services

AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series gathers experts from governments and organizations of all sizes to discover the benefits of using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud to scale, innovate, and drive efficiency to achieve your digital transformation objectives.

Counting on cloud technology to build citizen services

Hear best practices from Nordic organizations on their path of innovation and implementing valuable citizen services fast and cost efficiently. Discover how organizations take advantage of the benefits of agility, security, scalability, and reliability offered by the AWS Cloud.

Register here. 

The AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series – Smart Cities

AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series gathers experts from governments and organizations of all sizes to discover the benefits of using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud to scale, innovate, and drive efficiency to achieve your digital transformation objectives.

Apply data analytics to drive smart cities solutions

Join the webinar to hear about implementing smart city solutions by using data analytics. Hear from government agencies, education institutions, and healthcare providers who leverage data analytics to drive innovation, efficiency, and sustainability, and create solutions for cities and communities.

Register here. 

The AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series

AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series gathers experts from governments and organizations of all sizes to discover the benefits of using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud to scale, innovate, and drive efficiency to achieve your digital transformation objectives.

Digitalization with machine learning and artificial intelligence

The first webinar of the series explains what kind of value ML and AI bring to the citizen services and society:

Using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) brings value to organizations, citizens, and our society. Join this session and hear from government organizations who use the power of ML and AI to analyze and improve existing services through automation and create new citizen services for real time response to inquiries and requests for support.

Neil Mackin, Technical Business Development Manager, AWS
Timo Lehtonen, Senior Data Scientist, Solita Oy

Register here. 

Maritime automation and autonomous surface ship (MASS) framework for Regulation and Ethical AI

Welcome to virtual workshop on “Maritime automation and autonomous surface ship (MASS) framework for Regulation and Ethical AI” and to experience showroom of solutions on 1st of December 2020 at 1 to 4 pm EET (UTC +2).

The event will be arranged by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland in cooperation with ITS FinlandBusiness Finland and OneSea Ecosystem Leader DIMECC Ltd as a side event to high-level conference on Safe-Smart-Sustainable: What is the real future of autonomous ships? – held by the European Union Commission in cooperation with NFAS Norway in 30 November.

About MASS

The workshop aims to bring together leading countries, organizations and companies to work further the objectives and long term vision for regulative framework of maritime automation and autonomous shipping and to respond the expectations of Ethical AI use and accountability within these systems.

Along with sharing results of recent studies and strategies, the workshop invites participating organizations and companies to share their insights from ecosystemic PPP cooperation and trials to help solving concrete regulative challenges. Roundtables in the workshop will include topics eg. on MASS definitions, performance criteria, accountability in legislation and company culture, legislation needed, transparency and traceability as well as development of third party validation and certification.

Who are attending MASS?

The event gathers decision makers and experts around the world as well as a wide cast of EU parties and regulators working in the field of autonomous maritime.

Register to the workshop via this link

Virtual Showroom opportunity for companies and businesses

At the Virtual Showroom companies and businesses have an opportunity to showcase their latest innovations around autonomous and sustainable maritime.  In the virtual stand companies have the opportunity to share materials and videos, engage in virtual face-to-face conversations with the event participants and listen to the keynote speakers online.

The virtual showroom is free of charge for the companies taking part.

For more information about the showroom, contact:

Sanni Remonen
Marketing Communications, ITS Finland


13.00 Workshop opening
Saara Reinimäki, Director, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Automation Unit

Strategic plan on transport automation including legislation, maritime transport
Anne Miettinen, Senior Ministerial Adviser

13.15 Industry’s perspective on legislation
OneSea Ecosystem Lead Ms Päivi Haikkola

13.30 Study on Charting Regulatory Frameworks for Autonomous Maritime
Henrik Ringbom, Mika Viljanen, Jussi Poikonen, Saara Ilvessalo, Centrum Balticum

13.45–16.00 Workshop

RAAS online event by RAAS – Rethinking Autonomy and Safety ecosystem

Invitation to a RAAS online event

To wrap up the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment funded RAAS project (2018-2020), RAAS – Rethinking Autonomy and Safety ecosystem welcomes you to join the RAAS online event!

In this online session, we will:
1) present the RAAS ecosystem results and impact,
2) discuss relevant industrial topics related to RAAS’s four verticals (aviation, maritime, work machines, and road traffic), and
3) show some of the future plans related to RAAS.

Please, register by 24th of November at 12:00 via this link


13:00 Moderator’s welcome (Laura Ruotsalainen / University of Helsinki)
13:05 RAAS ecosystem and its impact (Hannu Karvonen / VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd)

Domain-specific presentations:
13:30 Aviation | ”Towards a Digital European Sky” (Alain Siebert / SESAR JU)
13:45 Maritime | ”Marine Tractor Beam – Intelligent Fairway” (Jere Laaksonen / VTT SenseWay)
14:00 Short Break
14:05 Work machines |  ”Intelligent Ports” (Pekka Yli-Paunu / Cargotec & Kalmar)
14:20 Road traffic | ”Road towards automation” (Eetu Pilli-Sihvola / Traficom)

14:35 RAAS-related future plans (Hannu Karvonen / VTT)
14:55 Webinar closing words (Laura Ruotsalainen / Univ. of Helsinki)
15:00 Webinar ends

Read more about the event and get to know the speakers on RAAS Website.

Transport and infrastructure supporting society

Transport Research Finland 2020 will bring together the leading Finnish researchers in the fields of transport infrastructure and transportation. In one day, the leading research results are presented to the sector stakeholders, including funding agencies as well as decision- and policy-makers.

Register here



Date: Wednesday June 10th, 2020 from 12 to 14 CET

Location: Webinar (Gotomeeting)

The webinar focuses on autonomous public transport on European level. How to ensure the role of smart mobility solutions in our cities? Join us to hear keynotes from experts, researchers and city officials providing facts and visions for the people designing the cities’ future. Get familiar with the speakers and register. Number of attendees is limited to 150.

Please register at

Webinar schedule 

Welcoming words
Jari Honkonen, Project Manager at Forum Virium Helsinki and Sohjoa Baltic -project

Part 1
How to run a business, based on driverless technology. Case Barkarby pilot.
Lars Polgren, Nobina Technology

Legal obstacles on the way to sound use cases for driverless transport
Matthias Hartwig, Head of mobility department, IKEM, Berlin: 

Learnings from autonomous pilots in Baltic Sea Region
Magdalena Szymańska, Project Coordinator at City Hall of Gdansk



Part 2

Artificial Intelligence and Energy efficiency in driverless transport
Mauro Bellone, Roboticist, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg

Autonomous vehicles as a part of public transport system in Oslo
Vibeke Harlem, Director of Mobility Solutions

Is Your City ready?
Taina Haapamäki, Managing Director, FLOU, Helsinki


Closing words