We are delighted to invite you to a webinar on Smart Urban Mobility, focusing on market opportunities in Italy. This webinar, commissioned by the Finnish Embassy in Rome, aims to provide valuable insights into the rapidly growing field of urban smart mobility in Italy and highlight the potential market prospects.

This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about Italy’s Urban Smart Transport and a logical continuation of the previously started opening of the Italian transport market for Finnish companies as a part of The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector. During the webinar, we will explore the current market landscape, identify key players, discuss the various opportunities available, and offer guidance on how to capitalize on them. The event will offer a comprehensive overview and serve as a starting point for Finnish technology providers offering solutions for new mobility, digitalization of transportation and logistics sectors, electrification, and other related sub-sectors.

After the presentation, there will be a dedicated Q&A session where you can seek clarification on specific topics. Additionally, all participants will receive a summary of the market opportunities study, which will further enhance your understanding of the sector.

The webinar will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. The webinar is free of charge but requires a registration via the link below, latest by 11th of June.


The webinar will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. The webinar is free of charge but requires a registration via the link below, latest by 11th of June.


  • Introduction by Marko Forsblom, ITS Finland
  • Welcome remarks by Hanna Laurén, Finnish Embassy in Rome
  • Presentation of the market opportunities by Marjaana Karjalainen, Dreamex
  • Q&A session
  • Follow-up and conclusion by Kimmo Ylisiurunen, National Programme for Sustainable Growth in the Transport Sector

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector.



Luke Kähkönen
Advisor, Business Finland
luke.kahkonen (at)


The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector continues to seek new market opportunities together with Team Finland and ITS Finland. The next opportunity window we will open is the Polish market.

Why Poland?

Transport sector is a significant contributor to Polish economy, responsible for approx. 6% of Polish GDP. Large infrastructural investment projects benefit from funding at local, national and EU level. For many years, Poland has been one of the largest beneficiaries of EU funds (e.g. from the Cohesion Policy) supporting investments in the transport sector. Also under the upcoming RRF, Poland is supposed to have over 6 billion EUR at its disposal targeting the area of green, smart mobility.

Poland is a highly urbanized country with 35+ cities having over 100k inhabitants, which opens up a big market for technologies and service providers in the field of sustainable urban mobility. Digitalization, telematics and automation are increasingly visible trends in the Polish mobility market. A number of ongoing and planned investments to be done by public and private sector cover areas such as, among others, EV charging infrastructure, zero-emission city fleet, passenger information systems, road traffic management systems, development of wireless communication in public means of transport. Green and smart mobility developments are also entering new transport segments, such as long-distance transport and heavy-duty transport.

Railway investments are booming. 2,000 km of new railway lines are to be built by the end of 2034 only as a part of the major Polish infrastructure investment – Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) – which will develop the new central airport with a network of connected railways, as well as the new airport city. Other large investments will take place in the automotive, battery and maritime sectors.

The Polish transport market and existing partnerships create great business opportunities for Finnish companies with high-quality, competitive offering which can be targeted towards both public and private sectors.

The purpose of the webinar is to provide Finnish companies with the introductory market overview and information about relevant business opportunities, as well as recommendation on how to capture the opportunities. Event will host the leading Polish expert organizations in the discussed field. The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector.

Note that the webinar you are participating is arranged together with Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme, ITS Finland and Business Finland in Poland, with whom we share information you provide us about you.


The webinar will be held in English. Please confirm your participation until 9.06.2023.


  • 10:00 Welcome and introduction – Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme, Business Finland
  • 10:10 The sustainable transport market in Poland: electrification and charging infrastructure developments – Polish Alternative Fuels Association
  • 10:30 Smart mobility in Poland and potential for international know-how exchange, how to capture the opportunities on the Polish market – ZDG TOR
  • 10:50 Introduction to ITS Poland network as a cooperation platform – ITS Poland
  • 11:05 Discussion
  • 11:20 Summary, next steps and upcoming events – Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme, Business Finland



Ms. Anna Łomża
Senior Advisor
Business Finland Central Europe
anna.lomza (at)


Business Finland in the UAE in co-operation with the Finnish Embassy and it’s partners have prepared a study outlining the opportunities in the transportation and logistics sectors. The study will showcase high level opportunities, main stakeholders, strategies and the value chain with the focus on the emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It will provide a good picture and the starting point for Finnish technology providers in new mobility solutions, digitalization of the transportation and logistics sectors, electrification, smart ports, airports and other sub-sectors in the UAE.

United Arab Emirates have positioned itself as a global transportation and logistics hub. UAE’s logistics market is predicted to grow by 8.41 per cent with an approximate value of $31.4 billion by 2026 and it already contributes 8% to the national economy. The country is ranked number 1 in the region in logistics performance index. UAE have been investing heavily in the transportation infrastructure; despite its world-class infrastructure there are still many opportunities in the country.

This webinar aims to give an outlook on the progress and highlight opportunities in the target market. After the presentation there is time reserved for Q&A. Alternatively, companies can leave their questions beforehand along on the registration form. The full report will be shared with all the participants.

Register by 9 May, 2023


  • 11:00 Introduction, Victoria Ivanova, Senior Advisor, Business Finland
  • 11:05 Welcome remark, Marianne Nissilä, Ambassador of Finland to the UAE
  • 11:10 Presentation of the report, Abdul Ali, Ares Information Technologies, UAE
  • 11:45 Q&A
  • 12:00 End of the event


Victoria Ivanova
Senior Advisor, Business Finland United Arab Emirates
victoria.ivanova (at)


Daphne Wang
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland (at)

Market Opportunities in the Railway Ecosystem in Italy Webinar 30.05.2023, 14:00-15:00 (EEST)

The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector, Team Finland and ITS Finland organize a webinar presenting results of a market opportunity study on the railway ecosystem in Italy.

Themes covered include structure and key players of the railway sector in Italy, market needs, public funding driving investment decisions, key trends and challenges.

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector with solutions for railways.


14:00 Opening

  • Kimmo Ylisiurunen, The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector
  • Presenting the results of the market opportunity study
    Marjaana Karjalainen, Dreamex

Q&A and next steps

15:00 End of the webinar

The webinar is free of charge and will be held in English via Microsoft Teams.

Please confirm your participation by 28.05.



Further information

Hanna Lauren Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Luke Kähkönen Advisor, Business Finland

Kimmo Ylisiurunen Program Director, Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Marko Forsblom CEO, ITS Finland Ry


Time: Tuesday April 18th, 2023 at 8.45-16.30

Venue: Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 4, Helsinki

Please register to the event by April 11th from the link below.

Register to the event


Welcome to the launch event of Decarbonized Cities program! The launch event will be held in Helsinki, Finland on Tuesday 18th April, 2023


At the launch event we will explore the ambitious carbon neutrality challenges within city landscapes and related needs in Finland and internationally. Examples of pioneering solutions from Finland to increase Finland’s carbon handprint will be presented on stage. We aim to strengthen Finland’s pioneering role in carbon neutrality. The program services in order to support Finnish systemic innovations and scalable business, will be introduced at the end of the event. The day will close with a networking plaza where you have the opportunity to meet with cities and companies. More details on the networking session will follow closer to the event.

The vision of the Decarbonized Cities program for 2023–2028 is that by 2030, globally 10 cities have significantly cut their CO2 emissions. Program accelerates significant CO2 cuts for selected partner cities, which have the world’s most ambitious decarbonization targets. The challenges of the cities are tackled with the support of pioneering integrated system solutions from Finland in the fields of energy, built environment and mobility revolutionized by digitalization. Cities in Finland and abroad can have a role as testing and reference platforms, and long-term relationships will be established with cities across the world.



8.45 Registration and coffee

9.30 Opening words from Business Finland
Ms. Nina Kopola, Director General, Business Finland

Greetings from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland

Keynote: EU Mission 100 Climate-neutral and smart cities
Mr. Patrick Child, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for the Environment, European Commission

Finnish cities climate-neutral by 2030
Turku: Ms. Minna Arve, Mayor
Tampere: Ms. Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Mayor

Possibilities for global co-operation
Madrid: Mr. Jose Luis Moreno Casas, Director of the Office for Madrid Nuevo Norte, Madrid Regional Government
Los Angeles: TBC

Highlight from Finnish companies
Vibeco: Mr. Veikka Pirhonen, CEO

11.30 Lunch

12.30 Keynote: KONE and the Flow of Urban Life concept
Mr. Jussi Herlin, Vice Chair of the Board

Highlights from Finnish companies
ABB: Mr. Simo Säynevirta, Head of Green Electrification Ecosystem
Liikennevirta: Mr. Eemil Virta, Head of Government relations and partnerships
Sitowise: Ms. Minttu Vilander, Chief Communications and Sustainability Officer

Comments from the industries
ITS Finland ry: Mr. Marko Forsblom, CEO
SRV: Ms. Miimu Airaksinen, Senior Vice President, Development
LUT University: Mr. Jero Ahola, Professor, Energy efficiency

13.30 Coffee break

13.50 Vision for the Zero Carbon Future
Ms. Helena Saren, Head of Zero Carbon Future Mission, Business Finland

Future Smart Cities
Mr. Mika Klemettinen, Head of Innovation and Ms. Satu Kalliokulju, Senior Advisor, Business Finland

Decarbonized Cities program services & activities
Ms. Outi Suomi, Head of Decarbonized Cities, Business Finland

14.30-16.30 Networking plaza
More information on the networking plaza will follow closer to the event.

The agenda is subject to changes.



Outi Suomi
Head of Decarbonized Cities Program
outi.suomi (at)
+358 50 572 7530


Emilia Hyvätti
Program Coordinator
emilia.hyvatti (at)
+358 50 434 9687

Team Finland Visit To Los Angeles


The city of Los Angeles (approx. 3.8 million residents in city, and 10.2 million in county, with an LA county GDP of $707 billion) continues to pioneer climate change action planning. The Los Angeles Green New Deal documents a timeline and measurable path towards reducing emissions overall. The city of Los Angeles is seeking innovative solutions globally that can help the city reach specific emission targets faster and has allocated funding to do so.

Team Finland players have been working with the city of LA to identify areas where Finnish solutions can solve immediate needs that are not currently met by local players. After completing market research and verification of opportunities around the Los Angeles Green New Deal, Team Finland aims to expand the cooperation with LA by bringing a group of Finnish companies to meet key city stakeholders, from agencies to private incumbents. From Business Finland, Decarbonized Cities program supported by Low Carbon Built Environment program invite Finnish organizations to the delegation.

This delegation aims to workshop with relevant LA stakeholders and potential end customers to explore areas for further innovation collaboration and pilots around three key areas:

  • mobility and transit,
  • renewable energy, and
  • built environment.

The visit program will be formed around the same three sectors. As LA is hosting the summer Olympics in 2028 (among several other large events), the city is actively investing in new pilots to explore paths towards reaching emission targets.

Finland aims to expand collaboration with LA over the next several years, starting with this visit, with plans for additional activities to follow beyond 2023.

Read more about the possibilities

Market research in all three areas is available by request, and a webinar to share more fiscal insights on mobility/transit and renewable energy will be held on Wed. March 29, 16-17 EEST. Kindly read more.

Additionally, but not part of this delegation visit, there is an option for companies to continue to Seattle for the Nordic Innovation Summit tech day on May 12. Please note that the exhibition registration fee is not included in the delegation fee.

Register for the visit at the latest by April 3, 2023 through the link below!



Opening words by Finland’s Consulate General in LA, Mr. Okko-Pekka Salmimies.
Introduction to LA & Business Finland, Head of Business Finland Decarbonized Cities Program, Ms. Outi Suomi.

Summary of latest market research around Finnish opportunities & Los Angeles Green New Deal, specifically related to mobility/transit and renewable energy – Mr. Jukka Matikainen, Nordic Trading House.
Additional LA Green New Deal research, and upcoming delegation, Ms. Jennifer Tarkiainen, Business Finland.
There will be a Q & A session at the end.



This Team Finland visit is tailored for Finnish companies looking to expand into the LA county via a pilot and/or commercial partnerships. Meetings are geared towards specific project implementations and solving current challenges, with an emphasis on proposing future pilots in LA. Companies should be ready to pitch their solutions to potential end customers, which includes both city agencies and private incumbents.

The participating companies should have products/solutions/services for;

  • in mobility/transit track solutions related to electrification of public transit, EV, and AV solutions.
  • in renewable energy track solutions related to grid resiliency and energy storage.
  • in built environment track solutions suited for new green commercial &/or residential construction.

Pre-work before the visit is highly encouraged and will include a briefing session and virtual introductions with the end customers before the delegation.


The visit is organized if at least 5 companies per track sign up. Delegation size is limited to 30 companies, and a company may have more than one representative attending.

To cover the expenses of arranging the program in LA, Business Finland will charge a participation fee of:

  • Major companies: EUR 2400 + 24% VAT per person
  • SME’s and Micro businesses: EUR 2050 + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above.

Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights, accommodation, meals and transportation outside the business delegation program.


Ms. Jennifer Tarkiainen
Senior Advisor, Business Finland North America (-10h time difference from Finland)
tel. +1 650 772 0350

Ms. Heini Salopelto
Team Finland Coordinator, Consulate General of Finland in Los Angeles (-10h time difference from Finland)
tel. +1 310 948 9001
email: heini.salopelto (at)

Additional Information
Ms. Outi Suomi
Head of Decarbonized Cities Program
tel. +358 50 572 7530

Mr. Kari Laine
Head of Low Carbon Built Environment Program
tel. +358 50 444 9151

Finnish-Estonian Collaboration and Business Forum

Cooperation between Finland and Estonia plays an important role in promoting the digitalisation of mobility and logistics. ITS Estonia and ITS Finland associations, together with cities and the public and private sectors, will organise a business forum.

The two-day event will bring together Estonian and Finnish mobility and logistics service providers and authorities to talk about cooperation. On the first day, March 30th, there will be a seminar and at the Estonian Embassy, and on March 31st we will continue at Maria 01.

Register for the events and come to network

ITS European Congress Lisbon

ITS: The Game Changer is the theme of the next ITS European Congress, taking place in Lisbon from 22 to 24 May 2023. The Congress will bring the future of transport right to you with a great exhibition, live cutting-edge demos and more than 100 engaging sessions and discussions on the 5 Congress topics. Connect with the ITS Community and have a glimpse to the future: join us for the biggest and most important ITS event in Europe.

Come and meet Finnish international companies and public sector actors at the Nordic+ Pavilion!


The topics for the 2023 ITS European Congress in Lisbon are:

  • Cooperative, connected and automated mobility
  • New mobility services
  • Freight & logistics
  • Digitalisation and the data value chain
  • Future traffic management


Croatian RRF Opportunities In The Transportsector

When: On January 26, 2023 at
10:00 – 11:15 EST


Kimmo Ylisiurunen, The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Transport Sector and Croatia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan
Mr. Josip Bilaver, State Secretary, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure of Croatia

The Future of Urban Mobility Ecosystem
Mr. Alexander Graf von Pfeil, Chief Business Officer, Project 3 Mobility

Development Plans of the Transport System in the Northern Adriatic
Mr. Sinisa Vilke, Maritime Professor, Faculty of the University of Rijeka, Institute for Technology

Wrap up
Kalle Kankaanpää, Ambassador of Finland to Croatia

Where: The webinar will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. The webinar is free of charge but requires a registration via the link below.


The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector continues to seek new market opportunities together with Team Finland and ITS Finland. The next opportunity window we will open is the Croatian RRF market. Why Croatia?

Croatian economy is expected to grow by 6.4% in 2022 and by 1.4% in 2023. Croatia is the biggest recipient of EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility funds (RFF) compared to the size of its economy. This creates interesting business opportunities for Finnish companies as well. The right time to look at these opportunities is now: in the beginning of 2023, Croatia has joined both the Euro and Schengen area. €727 million is available for the development of a competitive energy-sustainable and efficient transportation system: data driven logistics, rail network modernization, maritime & port modernization, urban mobility & ITS and payment systems. 

Join us to hear about these opportunities and how our Finnish products and services could be exported to Croatian market.

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector.


Kimmo Ylisiurunen

Italian RRF Opportunities in the Transport Sector webinar

Register for the next webinar – RRF and business

The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector continues to seek new market opportunities together with Team Finland and ITS Finland. The next opportunity window we will open is the Italian RRF market. Why Italy? 

Despite the looming recession in Europe; Italy´s G7 economy is expected to grow 2.5% in 2022 and 1.2% in 2023. The EU recovery fund (RRF) allocation and the surging private sector demand create business opportunities for Finnish companies. Strong regional mobility clusters and system-integrators are interested in partnering up with Finnish companies to improve their product and service portfolio for big tenders. Italy grants 8-9 billion RRF money to sustainable mobility 31 billion to transport infrastructure, combining a vast array of transport modes.

Italian automotive, maritime and aerospace industries are also investing billions in electrification, AI, IoT and general Europeanization of value chains. In this context; they are looking for suitable high-end vendors to help them on this journey. Cities such as Milan and Turin have RRF induced investment projects to reduce traffic jams, manage logistical flows and drastically reduce emissions. A flagship example is a project on Intermodal hydrogen powered railway system in Piedmont.

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector.

AGENDA (14:00-15:15 EET)

Kimmo Ylisiurunen, The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Italy-Finland partnership
Speaker tbc

Italian post-pandemic recovery (RRF) in the transport sector: what´s on demand and who are the buyers?
Hanna Laurén, Embassy of Finland in Rome

Transport sector system Integrators in Italy – How to partner, how the Italian market works?
Marjaana Karjalainen, Dreamex

The webinar ends


The webinar is free of charge and will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. Please confirm your participation by 8.11.

Registration link >>

Further information

Hanna Lauren
Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland 

Luke Kähkönen
Advisor, Business Finland

Kimmo Ylisiurunen
Program Director, Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Marko Forsblom
CEO, ITS Finland Ry