
Your route to success

INTOIT creates smart and innovative SaaS solutions to manage passenger transportation in a new, cost-effective way. Our customers are able to streamline the complex management of different types of transportation, creating more efficient processes and adding value for the end customer. Our solution offers high value to manage group transportation and connects every stakeholder in the process with digital tools, including drivers, passengers and supervisors. Intoit’s Movit is a transportation management and control system developed for cost-effective and successful passenger transportation. The system digitizes the processes of passenger transportation from transportation planning to the actual transportation. Intoit’s references include Cabonline Finland, a taxi company that runs transportation with Movit for the city of Espoo and several private companies. The company makes over 40,000 trips per month


Smart traffic and road maintenance

Infotripla is a Finnish forerunner in new digital age transport system services. Our services and products are especially targeted to smart mobility and transport, with 20 years’ experience on new, emerging technologies and solutions driven by customer needs. The existing solutions and services are already proven by market – in both private and public sectors.

Today Infotripla is part of the globally active Aebi Schmidt Group which has a broad expertise in digital solutions, primarily for airports and winter maintenance, but as well for any other cleaning and clearing operations throughout the seasons. In addition to digital everyday operations support, the Group is also offering systems for autonomous operations at airports.


Awake.AI is a software platform company building an ecosystem for smart ports and autonomous shipping. The objective of Awake.AI is to lead the transition to sustainable and intelligent maritime logistics, reducing global shipping emissions with the help of ecosystem partners. The platform is first of its kind, built from the ground up to accommodate seamless collaboration within the entire maritime logistics chain by sharing situational awareness and providing AI-supported predictions for future planning. The API’s and applications built on top of the Awake platform are available for customers and third parties using the subscription business model.

More information:



NFleet is an online transportation planning service for producing efficient plans. From transportation order and vehicle information, NFleet generates an optimized plan for the whole operation.  NFleet’s highly advanced but easy-to-use road transportation optimization tool features geocoding, convenient UI and various integration methods. Quick to implement, NFleet’s use covers the range from strategic planning to operational control, for both classic and multimodal transportation. With NFleet services customers save time, money and the environment.   NFleet is an IT startup company in Central Finland, offering a SaaS business-to-business solution for optimizing transportation planning. The company is a University of Jyväskylä spin-off since 2014.

Aavista – Data Refinery for Future Mobility

Cities have the last mile problem: how to move people efficiently with climate friendly choices. Micromobility with city bikes and scooters helps to cover the last mile. Cities and operators must design the city bike network so that bikes are at the right place at the right time.

Aavista City helps cities and operators to plan and operate efficiently the bike and scooter operations by spotting empty and overfilled docks. This will save money by reducing bike moving by operators.

Aavista City Data Platform provides enriched insights and benchmarks to optimize the fleet usage. The platform covers tens of cities worldwide.


Perille – Finnish travel ticket service

Perille is providing a service that improves both passenger experience and public transport usage. We have combined finding trips, searching timetables, comparing prices, and buying tickets in one place. In our service you can sort your trip based on your preferences, no matter if you value the price, arrival or departure time, speed, route, or even CO2 emissions. Perille is available on

We see that with technology we can make the accessibility and availability of the public transportation so attractive that it becomes an option for private car usage, and our mission is to combine public transportation companies as one ecosystem to make this real –  if a car driver decides to leave the car at home every 100th time, it generates some 70 million new public transportation journeys in a year only in Finland. This is our stake on sustainability.

Our time tables cover over 95% of Finnish inter-city routes, and we are increasing new transportation operators’ ticket sales whole the time into our service. We have also expanded our service to cover Helsinki – St Petersburg routes, and thanks to our partners’ strong backbone network, soon the service will cover several other Baltic Sea countries.

Citynomadi – visualising operations and interactivity on maps

Citynomadi visualises operations and interactivity on maps for urban and rural environment. Our speciality is wide scope of mobile environment, also the last mile solutions with a seamless outdoor and indoor positioning.

Our vision is to provide easy to use, customised, real time maps for any user segments. This will be done by integrating open data, prioritised data, IoT feed, crowdsourced information and artefact maps.

We foresee the purpose of the map use to become more and more individual and segmented according to the user groups and we have the answer to this request.

Unikie – software technology solutions for artificial intelligence and self-driving vehicles

Unikie is a software technology company providing software development services and developing software solutions for the technology industry. Core areas of expertise are automotive solutions, intelligent machines and industrial solutions, telecom and exceptional development resources.

The company’s leading project is Unikie AI Vision, a comprehensive solution for autonomous driving. It is a highly customizable sensor diagnostic software solution for self-driving vehicles and machines. Factory Parking demonstration shows the key idea behind automated parking.

The solution for advanced assistance and autonomous driving offers opportunities not only for car manufacturers, but also for heavy machinery manufacturers increasing safety, efficiency and accuracy in forest, mining and marine environments.

Unikie is certified to TISAX 3 level, which means that Unikie’s operations meet the highest security standards set by the European automotive industry. The criteria defined for the TISAX assessment level 3 concern companies that process highly sensitive product development information of their business partners. Unikie, founded in 2015, operates in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Poland and the United States.

Unikie car


Making a positive impact

Our mission is to change the world for the better. We aim to radiate value for future mobility challenges using consulting, coding and design as tools to incite positive change. In 2017, we were chosen as the best workplace in Finland and the runner up to the best workplace in Europe. We pursue projects that have significant impact on both society and on the environment.

We help our customers bring new technologies from the drawing board into daily use. Our aim is to help organizations transform, stay current in the ever-changing environment and capitalize on new opportunities. We seek to build an increasingly functional and mobile future.

We are committed in helping our customers realizing digital opportunities. We have been accelerating versatile innovation projects within the transport sector in Finland. Whether it has been about renewing the traffic management ecosystem, enabling the switch to electric cars, transformation of global transport services or exploring the endless possibilities of Mobility as a Service. Our capabilities evolve and adapt continuously to match our customers’ needs – all around the world.

ITS Factory

City as a test area

ITS Factory is innovation, experimentation and development environment, where companies and individual developers can research, develop, test and productize Intelligent Transport Systems and Solutions. ITS-factory stakeholders actively develop different parts of autonomous transport, such as automated feeder transport services and their operation towards an integrated public transport system.

City of Tampere is active in developing and boosting sustainable services such as Mobility-as-a-Service, demand responsive transport, payment & ticketing, Parking-as-a-Service, eMobility, automated transport services, intelligent tram system and drones as part of integrated mobility. City of Tampere is also a forerunner in opening traffic data, both static and real-time.

ITS Factory has active Public-Private Partnership cooperation between members on all levels and dozens of R&D projects in national and international level. ITS Factory’s goal is to produce business-oriented solutions for ITS and it also wants to support standardization.

ITS Factory is an open research, development, testing and data sharing network for the members.

Watch a video about ITS Factory.