Škoda Group



Škoda Group provides reliable, sustainable, and future-proof transport solutions to keep people, cities and businesses moving.

Our latest digital solutions:

  • Anti-collision system
  • Tram Driving Simulator
  • Passenger Counting System

Forum Virium Helsinki

Forum Virium Helsinki is the City of Helsinki innovation company. We co-create urban futures with companies, cities, universities and citizens. We help cities utilize data and technology and we help companies to pilot and use Helsinki as a test bed.

If you want to pilot your mobility solution in Helsinki, contact us!

Traficon Ltd.

The leading private consulting company for traffic planning, management and safety in Finland

Traficon dares to be different than others in order to find technically and commercially optimized solutions for its clients. The competence of Traficon origins from an academic engineering team that includes several world-class specialists.

Traficon was the first consultancy company that specialized in ITS in Finland and has realized over 1700 projects in the last 30 years. Traficon is competent to offer the latest international knowledge on the national level by its experts. The reference list is extensive and covers many topics.

The key competences of Traficon include:

  • ITS research
  • International R&D projects
  • Impact evaluation and future prognosis
  • Strategic development of traffic management incl. Road User Charging
  • Design of traffic management systems and project management of them
  • Design of traffic signals and road tunnel management systems


Safety4Traffic mission is to help the road users to reach their destination safely with help of their real-time traffic safety services. Our services helps you to prepare for the unexpected and to react when needed to enjoy your journey and arrive more relaxed.

Safety4Traffic offers a variety of different services based on local professional sources as Dynamic Elk Warning service, Dynamic Reindeer Warning service, Dynamic Road Weather service, Real-Time Accident Information service and on other hazards on the road to increase your safety on all roads.

Safety4Traffic vision is to be the best traffic safety service provider and to impact the driving behavior to become safer. Our strategy is to constantly develop new dynamic content for local needs to make your traveling on all roads safer.

Safety for all roads!


Safety4Traffic picture

One Sea – Autonomous Maritime Ecosystem

One Sea is a high-profile ecosystem with a primary aim to lead the way towards an operating autonomous maritime ecosystem by 2025. The collaboration gathers together leading marine experts and is a strategic combination of top research, state-of-the-art information technology and business. The work began in 2016, and the aim is to create an environment suitable for autonomous ships by 2025.

The companies and organizations collaborating in the ecosystem are forerunners in their respective fields and the knowledge they share sets them apart from other likeminded projects. The ecosystem ensures a well-researched, tested and highly capable autonomous shipping network.

The co-creation ecosystem will also set the course for new industrial standards. With the leadership, participation and steering from the One Sea Autonomous Maritime Ecosystem, the new standards will correspond with the targets of minimizing accidents, decreasing the environmental footprint of marine traffic, and advancing possibilities for new commercial ventures.


Smart traffic and road maintenance

Infotripla is a Finnish forerunner in new digital age transport system services. Our services and products are especially targeted to smart mobility and transport, with 20 years’ experience on new, emerging technologies and solutions driven by customer needs. The existing solutions and services are already proven by market – in both private and public sectors.

Today Infotripla is part of the globally active Aebi Schmidt Group which has a broad expertise in digital solutions, primarily for airports and winter maintenance, but as well for any other cleaning and clearing operations throughout the seasons. In addition to digital everyday operations support, the Group is also offering systems for autonomous operations at airports.


Awake.AI is a software platform company building an ecosystem for smart ports and autonomous shipping. The objective of Awake.AI is to lead the transition to sustainable and intelligent maritime logistics, reducing global shipping emissions with the help of ecosystem partners. The platform is first of its kind, built from the ground up to accommodate seamless collaboration within the entire maritime logistics chain by sharing situational awareness and providing AI-supported predictions for future planning. The API’s and applications built on top of the Awake platform are available for customers and third parties using the subscription business model.

More information: awake.ai



Within Sweco all fields and aspects of engineering, designing and consulting merge. In Sweco we create innovative and highly functional solutions on urban and rural transportation without forgetting the people, services and environment around them. Our 17 000 employees around Northern Europe create network of forward-looking professionals.

In Sweco Finland we have strong knowledge on sustainable transportation systems, such as light rail, city bike networks and traffic data management via GIS. As the cross-technical co-operation inside Sweco is close, we have great competence to create safer future in all aspects of mobility.

To highlight the importance of sustainability for our future, we have launched a new initiative called The Urban Insight, where number of reports written by Sweco’s experts are published throughout the year. You can find them through Urban Insight website here.



Making a positive impact

Our mission is to change the world for the better. We aim to radiate value for future mobility challenges using consulting, coding and design as tools to incite positive change. In 2017, we were chosen as the best workplace in Finland and the runner up to the best workplace in Europe. We pursue projects that have significant impact on both society and on the environment.

We help our customers bring new technologies from the drawing board into daily use. Our aim is to help organizations transform, stay current in the ever-changing environment and capitalize on new opportunities. We seek to build an increasingly functional and mobile future.

We are committed in helping our customers realizing digital opportunities. We have been accelerating versatile innovation projects within the transport sector in Finland. Whether it has been about renewing the traffic management ecosystem, enabling the switch to electric cars, transformation of global transport services or exploring the endless possibilities of Mobility as a Service. Our capabilities evolve and adapt continuously to match our customers’ needs – all around the world.

ITS Factory

City as a test area

ITS Factory is innovation, experimentation and development environment, where companies and individual developers can research, develop, test and productize Intelligent Transport Systems and Solutions. ITS-factory stakeholders actively develop different parts of autonomous transport, such as automated feeder transport services and their operation towards an integrated public transport system.

City of Tampere is active in developing and boosting sustainable services such as Mobility-as-a-Service, demand responsive transport, payment & ticketing, Parking-as-a-Service, eMobility, automated transport services, intelligent tram system and drones as part of integrated mobility. City of Tampere is also a forerunner in opening traffic data, both static and real-time.

ITS Factory has active Public-Private Partnership cooperation between members on all levels and dozens of R&D projects in national and international level. ITS Factory’s goal is to produce business-oriented solutions for ITS and it also wants to support standardization.

ITS Factory is an open research, development, testing and data sharing network for the members.

Watch a video about ITS Factory.