Driveco Oy
Increase your test drives and sales
DRIVECO’S Test Drive Tool is a cutting-edge solution for new vehicle sales and marketing, mainly for hybrid and electric vehicles. As proof of the tool’s success to date, it has been implemented in partnership with OEMs, such as Audi, Hyundai, Kia, Lexus, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi and Toyota. Driveco’s aspiration is to retain the market-leader position within this selected product segment. Automotive OEMs in more than 40 countries globally are currently using our Transparent Test Drive Tool. The tool is used for consumer sales, fleet sales, test drive events, press engagement and new vehicle launches in over 3,000 automotive showrooms. The tool has already hosted more than 2 million test drives in total. Every 50 seconds, a new test drive is initiated through Driveco’s Transparent Test Drive Tool.
Jon Uotila