Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI, NLS)
FGI is a highly international research institute that conducts innovative research and offers expertise within the field of spatial data.
We are developing techniques related to smart traffic, primarily on the road and at sea as well as pedestrian traffic. We also develop various kinds of techniques for collecting spatial data. Big data and crowdsourcing enable new services and business models in the field of navigation and positioning services.
By working in close co-operation with businesses, universities, research institutes and public agencies, we create opportunities for innovations in measurements, smart traffic, PNT (positioning, navigation & timing), and transfer this knowledge into the society in all levels.
Our researchers are global forerunners in developing and integrating laser, hyperspectral and stereoscopic imaging sensors in versatile platforms such as drones, cars, backpacks and aircrafts. The use of satellites together with other systems for PNT belongs to the core expertise of FGI, including both high-precision applications and robustness against jamming and interference.
FGI develops AI based analytics solutions to derive precise information from big data and integrates in-situ measurements with space data.
Our aim is to facilitate the development of innovations in spatial data, and navigation and positioning technology for the good of society.
We are part of the National Land Survey of Finland.