Unveiling the Potential of Micro-Sustainability in Public Transportation

The macro benefits of public transport are clear: getting cars off roads opens cities for people and reduces CO2 emissions. But that’s just the start. Public transport has a lot of unrealized potential when it comes to micro-sustainability. By focusing on the details in public transport operations and optimizing every aspect, incremental gains can be achieved. And small but continuous gains – on a large scale – can make a significant difference.

Digitalization is a key enabler of micro-sustainability. With real-time data from each vehicle, it is possible to optimize efficiency and minimize energy wastage, costs, and CO2 emissions.

Drivers are key

While electrification offers a bright future; managing the transition from fossil fuel vehicles requires balance. One of the areas that can make a substantial difference is eco-driving services that give drivers a real-time feedback loop about how the way they drive affects fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

EcoDriving targets “avoidable” fuel usage. By showing how acceleration, braking and idling patterns affect CO2 emissions – and showing how they could reduce them – drivers have been shown to reduce emissions by up to 12%.

Fixing vehicles before they break

Maintaining a healthy fleet means staying one step ahead of mechanical problems. With real-time data from the digital systems on a bus, it is possible to monitor its ‘health’ and identify potential mechanical issues before they turn into problems. This reduces overall vehicle downtime and service disruptions.

By monitoring and analysing the performance of vehicles, it is also possible to assess their operational efficiency and ensure they are operating cleanly and cost-effectively.
Even a simple error such as an incorrect thermostat temperature can increase the energy consumption by up to 10%.

The remarkable thing about digitalization – when it’s done right – is that it can keep evolving. By using open IoT platforms and common standards, new ways of unlocking efficiency can be achieved with solutions that don’t even exist yet. And that’s the beauty of micro-sustainability. Once public transport operators have the foundations in place, they can keep finding new ways to reduce costs and CO2 and compounding the benefits.

Read whole article on Telia’s website

Image is from the same article on the Telia website.