City of Tampere

Sustainable and intelligent transport system utilizing digitalization and intelligent transport solutions

City of Tampere has long history and is actively developing ITS systems and services. Big infrastructure projects like new city tram and Central Deck and Arena is urban scale development on top of existing railway tracks in the heart of the city offer a great platform to develop and implement new innovations. Goal is to add value to citizens everyday life, create new business opportunities to companies and to build sustainable city together with ITS Factory and Smart Tampere ecosystems. ITS Factory is an active business ecosystem that has operated in the region for a long time and has supported collaboration between different parties and the creation of new solutions. Smart Tampere is the strategic development programme of the City of Tampere for 2017–2021. These ecosystems consist of companies, universities, r&d organizations and public entities. Our goal is to make Tampere one of leading smart mobility cities and testing grounds in Europe.



Etteplan can design and implement digitalization solutions from sensors to data analytics, and from service design to integration of different critical systems and IoT devices. We master all relevant cloud technologies.

We have implemented for example car sharing services, applications for mobile refueling, solutions for charging electric vehicles and many other digital and mobile services for professional drivers and consumers. We create, integrate and maintain for example logistics, payment solutions, ERP, resourcing and route planning and optimization solutions.

We have a wide range of digitalization professionals from user experience designers to software architects and software developers. With Etteplan’s embedded software developers and test engineers we can design and implement anything to digitalize your business. Etteplan also offers digitalization services for technical information.

Our approach is always user driven, whether it is an app that is destined for the end user’s hands or as a tool for a professional user. Our solutions make use of the latest proven technology.

The results of Etteplan’s innovative engineering can be seen in numerous industrial solutions and everyday products. The company currently has over 3,400 professionals in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Denmark, USA and China.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Helping customers in the transition to sustainable, service-oriented and automated mobility

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is a visionary research, development and innovation partner. VTT drives sustainable growth and tackles the biggest global challenges of our time. VTT goes beyond the obvious to help the society and companies to grow through technological innovations. We have over 75 years of experience of top-level research and science-based results.

VTT’s mobility and transport research foster the value driven, adaptive and responsible future mobility of people and goods. VTT provides applied research to more than 200 companies internationally, from standardized validation and development tasks to considerable ecosystem schemes. ​In European research ranking VTT is ranked 4th in Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation programme.

VTT develops solutions for its customers using the multidisciplinary approach, and integrating different sectors: smart services, cities, infrastructure, autonomous and connected systems, transport and mobility as well as data​. VTT has unique equipment and facilities for research on machines and vehicles, enabling the creation of entirely new innovations and the further development of existing machinery, vehicles and transport systems. These research facilities cover an extremely broad range of experimental research on everything from components to systems level simulation. Engine and vehicle laboratory research is suitable for passenger cars as well as heavy-duty vehicle up to 60 metric tons to develop energy efficiency, emissions, reduction, use of 2nd generation biofuels, electric powertrains, energy storages, vehicle fleet and route simulation.


Vaisala is a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements. Building on over 80 years of experience, Vaisala provides its customers with reliable measurement solutions and services for better decision-making, safety, and efficiency.

Vaisala RoadAI (Road Artificial Intelligence) is a service for efficient infrastructure management. The service is suitable for existing road and rail monitoring processes as well as new construction projects, but it can also be used to monitor a variety of other environments and applications. RoadAI supports maintenance processes by providing a streamlined way to capture visual feed from the field and refining it to valuable information for decision making.

In the future, weather will have an even bigger impact on the transport of people and goods. Based on this, we set a new direction for our digital business and established Vaisala Digital in the fall of 2019. The mission and objective of the business is to complement Vaisala’s ability to provide our customers’ weather-critical operations with industry-leading decision support systems, where the services work seamlessly with Vaisala’s instruments. Our solutions provide authorities, contractors, and connected vehicle drivers with detailed insights of prevailing and forecasted road surface state along entire routes. Such data benefits also autonomous vehicles in the future.