Kasvufoorumi 19.1.2024

Kasvufoorumi / Growth Forum

Yhteistyöllä maailmalle Läsnätilaisuus perjantaina 19.1.2024 klo 12.30 – 17.30

Tilaisuus järjestetään Pikku-Finlandiassa osoitteessa Karamzininranta 4, 00100 Helsinki.

Ilmoittautuminen on auki 5.1.2024 saakka.

Ilmoittaudu tästä >>


12.30 Kahvitarjoilu

13.00 Avauspuheenvuorot

Liikenne- ja viestintäministeri Lulu Ranne ja elinkeinoministeri Wille Rydman

Kansainvälisen yhteistyön ja viennin merkitys Suomelle

  • Nina Kopola, Business Finland
  • Harri Airaksinen, Business Tampere
  • Jarkko Saarimäki, Traficom

Liikennealan kasvu-, yhteistyö- ja vientitarinoita

  • Olli Soininen, Fintraffic Oy
  • Juha Vierros, Škoda Group
  • Niko Vuokko, Silo.ai Oy


Kansainvälistymisen palapeli – Miten palat saadaan paikalleen?

Hanna Laurén, Suomen suurlähetystö, Rooma
Jenny Simonsen, ITS Norway

Vuosi 2024 keskustelu – Miten huolehdimme liikennealan kasvusta? Millaisen tuen annamme suomalaisille yrityksille?

  • Moderaattori: Laura Eiro, liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö
  • Elina Puszkarzewicz, Business Finland
  • Eetu Pilli-Sihvola, VTT
  • Pasi Laitala, Espoon kaupunki
  • Tapio Levä, Telia


Sampsa Nissinen, työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö ja Emil Asp, liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö

16.30 Verkostoitumista

17.30 Tilaisuus päättyy

Kutsu Kasufoorumi 2024

Growth Forum

Working together to go global on Friday 19.1.2024 at 12.30 – 17.30. Attendance obligatory.

The event will take place at the Little-Finlandia, Karamzininranta 4, 00100 Helsinki.
The event will be held in Finnish. Last day of registration is 5.1.2024.

Register to the event >>


The importance of international cooperation and exports for Finland

  • Nina Kopola, Business Finland
  • Harri Airaksinen, Business Tampere
  • Jarkko Saarimäki, Traficom

Stories of growth, cooperation and exports in the transport sector

  • Olli Soininen, Fintraffic
  • Juha Vierros, Škoda Group
  • Tero Ojanperä, Silo.ai Oy

Internationalisation puzzle – How to put the pieces in place?

  • Hanna Laurén, Embassy of Finland, Rome
  • Jenny Simonsen, ITS Norway

2024 debate – How do we ensure growth in transport? What kind of support do we give to Finnish companies?

  • Moderator: Laura Eiro, Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Elina Puszkarzewicz, Business Finland
  • Eetu Pilli-Sihvola, VTT
  • Pasi Laitala, City of Espoon
  • Tapio Levä, Telia Finland

Keynote speeches

Sampsa Nissinen, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Emil Asp, Ministry of Transport and Communications

16.30 Networking
17.30 End of the event


AI in Mobility and Logistics: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities in Finland and the Netherlands

Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 09:00 – 10:15 (NL) 10.00-11.15 (EEST FI)
Location: Online via Teams Meeting

Join our webinar on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 where we will delve into the intriguing world of AI. This event offers a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge among experts and stakeholders in the Netherlands, Finland and Nordic+ who share enthusiasm for the future of transportation. Your participation will play a significant role in shaping the path forward for AI in mobility and logistics.

Under the theme “AI in Mobility and Logistics: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities,” we intend to explore the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on mobility and logistics. Our goal is not only to foster an informative discussion but also to provide insights through brief introductions to AI in both the Netherlands and Finland, linked to use cases. We invite you to join us for an engaging exploration of this topic.


  • Short introduction on AI developments in the Netherlands – Max Schreuder at Connekt/ITS Netherland followed by case studies of:
  • Boen Groothoff & Vishruth Krishnan, City of Amsterdam – Case Study Crowd Monitoring System
  • Short introduction on AI developments in Finland – Marko Forsblom CEO ITS Finland followed by case studies of:
  • Tapio Levä, Head of Data & AI Business, Telia Finland – TBA
  • Juho Kostiainen, Project Manager, Mobility Lab Helsinki – the city’s testbed for smart mobility
  • Q&A and Wrap up

This webinar is a collaboration between ITS Finland and ITS Netherlands/Connekt & Smart Mobility Embassy, the international label of Connekt. It marks the second webinar in a series of Finnish & Dutch online and live meetings, including future live events such as Intertraffic Amsterdam (April 2024) and ITS World Congress Dubai (September 2024).

Register Today:

Secure your spot for this informative webinar and be part of a dynamic discussion that will influence the future of transport. Registration link: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/819285ad-ad54-450d-83d3-ac801a655864@99c7ba95-1efd-4ed6-a17b-ad9c0a9f32a9

We look forward to your participation in this enlightening exploration of AI in Mobility and Logistics.

ITS Finland, ITS Netherlands

For more information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact

  • Alex Gyllenbögel: alex.gyllenbogel@its-finland.fi
  • Marije de Nijs: marije.denijs@connekt.nl

A Nordic+ webinar – A reality check on the future of autonomous vehicles

Date: 29th of November
Time: 11:00 – 13:00 EET, Helsinki / 12:00-14:00CET

Nordic+ is inviting you to a free webinar on the 29th of November at 12:00-14:00CET. In this insightful webinar, experts from the Nordic+ countries will provide a comprehensive overview of the current state and prospects of autonomous vehicles, infrastructure, data sharing, and law and regulation in the Nordic region.

Join the discussions on the latest advancements, challenges, and regulatory developments shaping the autonomous vehicle landscape.

Welcome to a webinar about autonomous vehicles, infrastructure, data sharing, and law and regulation in the Nordic region.

Do not miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the future of transportation in the Nordic+ ecosystem.Program coming soon!

Sign up below (the webinar will be recorded) – and here you will find access to the webinar (Teams link).


Sign up today

A Nordic+ webinar – A reality check on the future of autonomous vehicles



Date: Thursday 30 November, 2023
Time: 14:30-15:30 (EET) // 15:30-16:30 (KSA)
Venue: Teams

Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Middle East and Africa and one of the fastest-growing G20 economies in 2022, registering an impressive growth rate of 8.7% and notable progress in implementing its ambitious Saudi Vision 2030.


Given the Kingdom’s geographical location between Europe and Asia, its pivotal role in the global energy market, and the current necessity of imported commodities in supplying basic consumer demand, transport and logistics are critical to the economy. Future plans for the sector include a transformative agenda aimed at capitalising on geographic advantages and providing critical services to the global economy.

Under VISION2030, the government has set ambitious aims to restructure both the transport and logistics sectors to enable expected economic and population growth. The National Transformation Programme (NTP) and the National Industrial Development and Logistics Programme (NIDLP) detail these reform plans, which show that the government will invest more than SR500 billion ($133.3 billion) in port, airport, rail, and other infrastructure development through 2030.

With the KSA’s ambitious target to achieve climate neutrality by 2060, commitment to environmental initiatives, and reducing carbon emissions, the sustainability market has expanded further.

Business Finland teamed up with one of the architects behind the vision 2030 realization – the Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment (MISA) – to organize this webinar to provide Finnish Companies with a possibility to discover the Saudi Transport and Logistic market and its numerous opportunities; get first-hand information about the changes in the country, as well as answer the questions companies might have about the Saudi market.


  • 14:30–14:35 Opening remarks by Juha Nurmi, Trade Counsellor, Embassy of Finland, Riyadh Saudi-Arabia
  • 14:35–14:40 Opening remarks by ITS Finland
  • 14:40–14:50 Country profile by Nabil Mohamed, Senior Advisor in Saudi Arabia
  • 14:50–15:15 Transport and Logistic Market Overview, Abdullmalik A. Alzuhairi, MISA
  • 15:15–15:25 Q&A
  • 15:30 End of the webinar


The webinar is targeted for Finnish companies that have: Digital solutions to built environment, Energy-efficient solutions and low-carbon building material, and for everyone else interested in the subject.



Mr. Nabil Mohamed
Senior Advisor, Business Finland

nabil.mohamed (at) businessfinland.fi

Ms. Daphne Wang
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
daphne.wang (at) businessfinland.fi

Virtual pitching with major Italian operator in railway sector Online 27.10.2023, time: 15.30 – 17.30 (EEST)

Virtual pitching with major Italian operator in railway sector

Online 27.10.2023
Time: 15.30 – 17.30 (EEST)

The event will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. Application can be sent via the link below, latest by 10th of October.

Note that the event you are participating is arranged together with Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme in the Transport Sector, ITS Finland and the Finnish Embassy in Rome with whom we share information you provide us about you.

The ongoing digital and green revolutions are profoundly impacting the entire Italian transportation system. The National Recovery and Resilience plan has allocated significant funds to the development of this sector, presenting a unique opportunity for you to become a part of this revolution.

The Finnish Embassy in Rome, Business Finland, The Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector and ITS Finland invite you to a virtual pitching events with major Italian operator in railway and urban mobility sectors.


  • Innovative solution for railway and/or urban mobility
  • Existing references outside of Finland
  • Commitment to follow-up in case of interest in your solution

You may apply for one or both events. For selected companies, there will be one-to-one coaching before the event. Please note that the Italian partners have the final say on company selection.

We have only five slots available for each event, so please act quickly to secure your participation!


Luke Kähkönen
Advisor, Business Finland 
luke.kahkonen (at) businessfinland.fi

Virtual pitching with major Italian system integrator in digitalization and transformation of logistics 26.10.2023, time 10.30 – 12.30 (EEST)

Virtual pitching with major Italian system integrator in digitalization and transformation of logistics

Online 26.10.2023
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 (EEST)

The event will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. Applications can be sent via the link below, latest by 10th of October.

Note that the event you are participating is arranged together with Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme in the Transport Sector, ITS Finland and the Finnish Embassy in Rome with whom we share information you provide us about you.


The ongoing digital and green revolutions are profoundly impacting the entire Italian transportation system. The National Recovery and Resilience plan has allocated significant funds to the development of this sector, presenting a unique opportunity for you to become a part of this revolution.

The Finnish Embassy in Rome, Business Finland, The Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector and ITS Finland invite you to a virtual pitching event with a major Italian system integrator in railway and urban mobility sectors.


  • Innovative solution for railway and/or urban mobility
  • Existing references outside of Finland
  • Commitment to follow-up in case of interest in your solution

For selected companies, there will be one-to-one coaching before the event. Please note that the Italian partners have the final say on company selection.

We have only five slots available for the event, so please act quickly to secure your participation.


Luke Kähkönen
Advisor, Business Finland 
luke.kahkonen (at) businessfinland.fi


Business Finland in cooperation with ITS Finland, SCIC and Sustainable Transport Sector Growth Program are delighted to invite you to our webinar 4 October, 2023 to hear more about the opportunities in smart transportation in Indonesia. The webinar will give you a very good insight to smart transportation business opportunities in Indonesia’s new capital Nusantara and Smart transportation development project of Solo city in Jawa.

We will open up the domains of smart transportation that are gaining interest in Indonesia.You will also learn the project that Business Finland is having to boost the Finnish know how towards the new capital development.

Date: Wednesday 4 October, 2023 at 9:00-10:30 (EEST)
Venue: Teams




A world-class smart city is rising on the island of Borneo, Indonesia. Named Nusantara the new capital has been envisioned as an inclusive, green, and sustainable city for everyone. The project offers opportunities for Finnish companies to construct basic infrastructures and digitize services.

The city aims for zero emissions by using 100 percent renewable energy, investing in energy efficiency and recycling, electrifying traffic entirely, and favouring public transport. Nusantara has also set as a goal that citizens have access to public services, public transportation, and green areas in ten minutes – a “ten-minute city.”

Nusantara authority has named Intelligent Transportation System as one of the main subdomains in the Smart city. Different features of the system are for example: traffic and parking system, incident management, autonomous driving, commercial vehicle operation.

The Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority (IKN), Bambang Susantono, says smart solutions, digitalization, and the latest technologies are utilized in the city planning and implementation. However, Susantono emphasized in his meeting with Finnish companies that the technology must serve people.

“Building a new city is more than just building its physical features. It is planning in a way that promotes social cohesion. I want my citizens to be happy,” he said and referred to Finland as the world’s happiest nation.


  • Opening – BF & ITS
  • Transport sector development in Indonesia – ITS Indonesia
  • Nusantara New capital and its smart transportation goals
  • Solo smart transportation
  • Q&A and next steps


This webinar is organized together with ITS Finland, SCIC and Sustainable Transport Sector Growth Program.

COP28 FINLAND PAVILION at Expo City Dubai 30.11.-12.12.2023

For the first time, Finland is organizing her own pavilion at the UN Climate Change Conference. COP28 will be held 30.11.-12.12.2023 at Expo City Dubai. COP meetings have evolved to be the largest climate event of the year! This year, the first Global Stock Take (GST) after the Paris Agreement will be dominating the scene.

COP28 is expecting some 60-80.000 accredited visitors to the UNFCC managed site, where Finland Pavilion will be located. The surrounding Green Zone will attract some 30-50.000 visitors daily during the two weeks program.

Site Overview & MAp

COP28 Presidency has published the Thematic Program. Changes on topics or even dates of the Thematic Program are possible, although quite unlikely.

Find out more about the venue and program in the attached presentation.


Business Finland is organizing the COP28 Finland Pavilion as public-private-partnership, funded by Business Finland and participating companies and organizations.

Finland Pavilion aims

  • To promote and strengthen Finland’s brand as a green tech hub
  • To showcase Finnish companies in international arenas in the context of the innovations accelerating green transition
  • Support the climate negotiations with the forerunner companies

By partnering with COP28 Finland Pavilion you can

  • Strengthen your brand image in association with largest climate event
  • Get visibility in Finland Pavilion during COP28 event
  • Organize own events or participate in shared events in the pavilion
  • Strengthen your existing contacts and make new ones
  • Gain visibility in project communications

Learn more about the Finland Pavilion and Gold, Silver and Bronze Parnership Categories in the attached presentation.

Interested in participating in the COP28 Finland Pavilion?
Please contact us for more information!


In the Finnish pavilion, we will hear interesting and topical speeches that are linked to the themes of the COP28 program and present a wide range of Finnish climate solutions.

Do you work outside the corporate sector, for example, in an NGO, academic institution, municipality or ministry and you have a topic or perspective that appeals to a global audience and that you would like to present on stage?

We will distribute the pavilion’s available program places among the best Open Call applications.

To participate, the organizer of the event must follow the rules of the pavilion and agree with its goals.

Before filling in the application form, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the background information and instructions on organizing the event.

You can submit an Open Call application between 1.–22.9.2023.
Decisions on applications will be made and notified by 6.10.2023.


Severi Keinälä

COP28 Finland Pavilion / Business Finland
severi.keinala (at) businessfinland.fi
+358 40 594 9944


Leena Mäenpää-Wirtz

Head of Communications / Deputy Director

COP28 Finland Pavilion / Business Finland

leena.maenpaa-wirtz (at) businessfinland.fi

+358 50 577 1915

Business Tampere delegation visit to OVIN Partnership Forum, Ontario, Canada 17.-19.10.2023

Business presentations and direct meetings


The visit will focus on automotive and off-road work machine topics. We will send more detailed information regarding the visit to those who have shared their contact info through this form. The delegation visit is organized to Tampere region companies by Business Tampere.

The October trip to the Ontario region will visit the OVIN (Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network) Partnership Forum, Linamar, Tigercat, Toyota, NuPort Robotics, Kubota, Ontario Tech University / Automotive Centre of Excellence and General Motors.

At the OVIN Partnership Forum, the Business Tampere delegation will also have the opportunity to make company presentations and participate in round table discussions.


Please register your interest as soon as possible, preferably by 30 August.

Binding registration by 15 September to the contact persons:

Heini Wallander
Account Manager, Industrial Research and Development
040 735 5177

Ari Lylynoja
Account Manager, Industrial Digital Solutions
050 568 7608


Business Finland’s Smart Green Ports USA Export Booster, together with the Team Finland network, is organizing a trade mission to Long Beach and Los Angeles, USA on 14-15 September 2023. The upcoming visit program focuses on smart port technologies, logistics and green transport technologies surrounding ports.


We invite Finnish companies developing emission reduction technologies, connectivity, network, logistics and port digitalization solutions to join the delegation. The delegation will meet Long Beach and Los Angeles area ports’ representatives as well as the leading port terminal operators. The visit will bring Finnish companies together with American businesses in the ports, logistics, intermodal, mobility and connectivity sectors.

The port complex of Los Angles and Long Beach is making significant investments. The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are to receive about $840 million in funding for infrastructure improvements. The state of California is aiming to spend $1.2 bn to fund port and supply chain upgrades to remedy the disruptions that hindered cargo flows through the US’s premier ports for ocean freight. Of the funds, 70 % will go towards improvements at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, with 30 % for port and logistics infrastructure across the rest of California. The State of California launched a Port and Infrastructure Program in 2022 to address the growing congestion and vessel backlogs. The projects include intermodal yard expansion and grade separation, and projects targeting zero emissions.

During the same week, on September 11-13, Long Beach is hosting IANA’s Intermodal Expo, the premier event in intermodal freight. IANA organization represents the combined interests of the intermodal freight transportation industry.

The recent technical developments for example around data sharing, make our planned visit to the Los Angeles area ports even more interesting and timely for the Finnish port technology companies.

In late April, California’s five containerized ports (the Port of Hueneme, the Port of Long Beach, the Port of Los Angeles, the Port of Oakland, and the Port of San Diego) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and launched the California Port Data Partnership alongside state and federal partners. The MoU outlines steps to jointly advance computerized and cloud-based data interoperability with a common goal of supporting improved freight system resilience, goods movement efficiency, emissions reduction, and economic competitiveness. The MoU and the partnership will serve as the basis of cooperation for the $27M in grant funds from the state of California.

More details and the MoU document itself can be found here


This delegation visit is aimed for Finnish companies interested in ports and logistics’ related projects, intermodal logistics and entering the U.S. market, as well as companies offering new green or digital transport, logistics or networks’ solutions.


To cover the expenses of joining the delegation, Business Finland will charge a participation fee:

  • Major Companies: 2500 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 2125 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program. Please note that the delegation participation fee does not cover participation to IANA Expo. The delegation program will begin after the IANA Expo has ended.